Hello and welcome to my personal blog! Thanks for stopping by.

This blog is a new project and I am going to start by writing a series of “introductions to X” posts to help me find my writing voice and prove my own blogging pipeline and processes.

Some words about me and this blog and a recent CV

why “flexible framework”? A flexible framework is a programming nirvana. The application structure and coding patterns are just right. Its a balance between getting the design flexible enough to meet as-yet unknown extensions but rigid and framework-y enough to meet the current challenge. The concept really applies beyond programming: you don’t want to over-engineer but you want something nice to use right now.

why “.xyz”? The extension (.xyz) is because this blog will cover many dimensions (geddit, cartesian axes) and coincidentally .xyz was one of the cheapest extensions available.

Recent Posts

learning to code

6 minute read

tips on the learning process from a seasoned, crusty, old sea dog